Hello, nice to meet you.
see some work
Reading is believing. Click through for a snapshot of my work.
what I do
From opinion-pieces to e-books, emails to editorial, I research ideas, develop content and write words that stand out
now and then
My blog - perfect with a cup of tea. Views from the desk of a copywriter.
“Siobhan has provided valuable support and insight for many years, helping us to understand ourselves better and communicate that to the outside world”
Knowledge Management was the forerunner for today’s Content Management. Together, they’re perfectly partnered to help businesses take on the challenges of marketing in our content-hungry era. Read why knowledge management is even more crucial as we all compete to publish content.
Do you have a project that’s a potential award-winner? Want some industry recognition for the work you and your client have put into a project? Read my six rules for writing winning award entries to help you get started.
I thoroughly enjoyed writing this little piece on the ups and downs of life as a copywriter for Procopywriters. From what I love, to the day-to-day frustrations and tips for writers block, it felt a bit like therapy to get it all out on paper.